Welcome to the qmail SMTP plugin patch home page.
qmail-spp provides plug-in support for the qmail SMTP daemon (qmail-smtpd). It allows you to write external programs and use them to check SMTP command argument validity. The plug-in can trigger several actions, like denying a command with an error message, logging data, adding a header and much more - see documentation for details.
qmail-spp patch against qmail-ldap
Sat, 02 Jul 2005 11:48:49 GMT
Andre Celso Zaiats (azaiats /at/ ludwig /dot/ org /dot/ br) was so kind to contribute qmail-spp patch against great qmail-ldap. You can grab the patch from:
Thanks! (3 comments)
New plugins
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 18:01:29 GMT
Thanks to Perolo Silantico (per /dot/ sil /at/ gmx /dot/ it) we have some new plugins - see our list for details. Hope you'll like them. (0 comments)
New plugin - lucheck
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 20:42:35 GMT
Peter Conrad (conrad, at, tivano, de) writes:
I have put up another plugin for download at
It checks recipient addresses against the local user database, and optionally against /etc/aliases and ~/alias/.qmail-.
Quite effective against SPAM-bounces with faked sender addresses.
So we have new great plugin :) -- thanks! (0 comments)
qmail-spp 0.41 released!
Mon, 24 Jan 2005 10:41:31 GMT
The new release introduce a few new features and small bug fixes.
Many thanks go to Michael Handler (handler /at/ grendel /dot/ net), as he's the author of most of the changes in this version. Here's list of important changes and new features:
- added support to specify alternative configuration file via SPPCONFFILE variable
- qmail's "rcpthosts" check is now run before SPP plugins and the result is passed using SMTPRCPTHOSTSOK variable
- fixed SMTPRCPTCOUNT - don't increase it if qmail denies mail
- refuse to start if configuration file cannot be found
Have fun! (0 comments)
The Godshell E-Mail Toaster
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 11:40:45 GMT
Jason Frisvold has just completed a "qmail toaster" site, it's available at
The site describes how to setup qmail with vpopmail (MySQL backend), content filtering (SpamAssassin and Clam AntiVirus), IMAP server (great Binc IMAP) and of course qmail-spp. Be sure to check it out! (0 comments)
qmail-spp-smtpauth-tls patch
Tue, 04 Jan 2005 16:34:16 GMT
Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold (friz /at/ godshell.com) was so kind to create qmail-spp 0.40 patch against Bill Shupp's AUTH/TLS composite patch. You can find it here:
Thanks! (0 comments)
qmail-spp-smtpauth-eh patch
Mon, 06 Dec 2004 17:31:11 GMT
New qmail-spp 0.40 patch against Erwin Hoffmann's SMTP AUTH v. 0.4.3 implementation has been contributed by Lordy (lordy /at/ lordy /dot/ de). It's available for download from
If you created new qmail-spp patch against other qmail flavors - don't hesitate and let me know! (0 comments)
qmail-spp 0.40 released!
Wed, 01 Dec 2004 16:32:28 GMT
This release brings several new features.
First of all, new events have been added - [connection] and [data] - which can be used to execute plugins just after client connection and after DATA command. Errors now can be queued and shown later, there is also new command which omits standard qmail checks.
Core of qmail-spp has been moved to a separate file to make installation easier and future upgrades simpler.
More information can be found in release notes: http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?group_id=113645&release_id=286816
Enjoy! (0 comments)
qmail-spp 0.34 released
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:28:12 GMT
Version 0.34 fixes small issue; if you have some problems compiling qmail-spp (especially these giving syntax errors), please try this release. (0 comments)
qmail-spp 0.33 released
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 14:09:08 GMT
The new version fixes a small bug in code setting and unsetting environmental variables. If you noticed that variables set by you end with "\nZ", then you should try the new version.
Thanks for Derek Sims (derek /at/ interdart co uk) for the bug report. (0 comments)
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